Cognition and Speech Therapy

Have changes in your memory or thinking been impacting your day-to-day functioning at home or at work?

Speech therapy can help!

At BPeck Speech and Swallowing, functional strategies and skills are prioritized in helping you or your loved one remain as safe and independent at home as possible.

Six Areas of Cognition


    -Difficulty with short term and long term memory

    -Difficulty with working memory (e.g. forgetting why you walked into the bedroom)

    -Difficulty with procedural memory (e.g. remembering how to do something routine, like cooking a favorite meal)


    -Difficulty sustaining attention to a task

    -Easily distractible by background noise

    -Slow processing speed

    -Difficulty multi-tasking


    -Impaired decision making

    -Difficulty planning, initiating, organizing tasks

    -Decreased ability to perform daily tasks (e.g. paying bills, organizing medications)

    -Poor problem solving


    -Poor insight to deficits

    -Difficulty reading nonverbal cues/body language

    -Difficulty regulating emotions

    -Difficulty staying on topic in conversation


    -Difficulty with word finding

    -Difficulty with abstract language concepts or figurative language


    -Visual neglect or inattention (e.g. not seeing words on the left side of a page, difficulty filling out forms or writing checks)

Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive decline due to dementia or Alzheimer’s can be difficult to navigate, but speech therapy can help you and your loved one implement strategies for remembering important information, staying safe within the home, and communicating more effectively.

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